Simplicity Makes For Some of the Happiest Moments

English: rain flowers

English: rain flowers (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Article by Wendy McCance

My kids have always said I’m mushy.  I am always hugging them or praising them or reading them a story.   In general, just truly enjoying them and showing them as much love as possible.  They get a kick out of the fact that I get giddy during a rain storm.  That I love to sit on the sofa with a blanket, a cup of tea and a good book.  I will make cookies and cocoa on a cold snowy day and want to hang out with them in front of the fireplace.

My happiest moments are the most basic small moments.  It is 8:50am right now.  I just got finished dropping off the last kid at school.  It’s still wet outside from the thunderstorm we had last night.  It’s a remarkably warm, sunny day (especially since we are in March) and the birds are singing (love that).   When I first got home, I grabbed a cup of tea, sat on my front porch and just soaked up the beautiful day.  These are the moments that I enjoy the most.

It is so easy to get bogged down by the worries of the world.  My saturation point for the tragic, sad and worrisome news that plays out on the tv, that I see when I go on the internet or hear on the radio is oftentimes too much to absorb.  Winter tends to be the worst.  So much of my time is spent indoors.  I end up with a tv playing in the background most of the day and a computer on in front of me.  Once the weather begins to warm up, the transition to the outdoors is such a relief.  This is the time of year that I begin to take walks and ride my bike and my mind begins to slow down and relax.  I feel like a kid again when I notice the flowers popping up and the grass getting greener.  There is a feeling of peace that comes over me that had seemed lost during the cold, gray days of winter.  Truly the chance to slow down and just take it all in along with the break from the stresses that as an adult plagues us on a daily basis brings along with it a satisfaction that creates my happiest moments.

I hope that the day is beautiful where you live.  That you get an opportunity to step outdoors and just soak up the sunshine.  I hope you find that the simplest things make you happy as well.

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Wendy McCance

Wendy McCance is a Michigan based freelance writer and social media consultant. Wendy has gained attention as the founder of the popular blog Searching for the Happiness which can be viewed in 6 local papers online, including the Oakland Press.The combination of writing skills and social media knowledge is what makes Wendy such a powerhouse to work with. Stay tuned for opportunities to advertise, guest post and as always, have your questions answered.

To contact Wendy McCance about a writing assignment, interview or speaking engagement, please email her at: [email protected]

2 thoughts on “Simplicity Makes For Some of the Happiest Moments

  1. Thanks for this lovely reminder to focus on the small, beautiful moments of life (and take time to appreciate the warming weather!). This was a wonderful post.
    Peace and Grace,

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