Advice to Those Wanting to Blog

Bullfrog Love Song

Article by Wendy McCance

As a new writer, I have tested different techniques on my blog.  My subject’s have varied as well as my writing style.  I have bought into the occasional writer’s advice on how to increase blog traffic.  I most recently wrote about The 7 Mistakes New Employees Make. I based the title on an article describing how to write a particular type of title and how just like that, poof, your traffic would increase significantly.

I am here to tell you that people who read blogs are savvy individuals.  I get my best traffic when I am my most authentic.  Blogs can be like a reality show.  People want to read the most personal information they can find.  They want to be able to relate to the writer.  The braver your words, the more appealing it is to the readers.

Maybe other blogger’s have had much different experiences.  If so, I’d love to know what worked for them.  I am happy with my blog, the amount of traffic I get and the subject matter and writing style I use.  It’s just every now and then, I read something that intrigues me about a better way to write a blog.  Curiosity takes over and I just have to check out the theory.  Honestly, I haven’t found anything other than what I do myself that does much.  I tested out the last post and have to say that it was the worst traffic I’ve had in months.

So, take it from me.  Be authentic.  Do what you love and don’t listen to the noise of others. Maybe what they do really does work for them.  I think that the more you focus on what you love and how you want to express it, the more success you will see in the long run.

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Wendy McCance

Wendy McCance is a Michigan based freelance writer and social media consultant. Wendy has gained attention as the founder of the popular blog Searching for the Happiness which can be viewed in 6 local papers online, including the Oakland Press.The combination of writing skills and social media knowledge is what makes Wendy such a powerhouse to work with. Stay tuned for opportunities to advertise, guest post and as always, have your questions answered.

To contact Wendy McCance about a writing assignment, interview or speaking engagement, please email her at: [email protected]

19 thoughts on “Advice to Those Wanting to Blog

  1. Pingback: Some Secrets I’d Like to Share About Blogging | searchingforthehappiness

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog Wendy, and I agree with you. Not that I am writing “for an audience” like most people, I still get excited when I see that someone has been by and left a comment. Yes, I know that’s silly since I’m writing as an “outlet” since I currently have no other on here & as much as I love my parents, between the 2 of them I’m gonna end up in the loony bin soon if I don’t get to have a short vaca. LOL I do enjoy reading about the person, what they think and why, and problems or situations in their lives and how they approached them. I do enjoy your blog! :D

  3. Hi Wendy, thanks for stopping by my blog, thank you for the information regarding blogging. I am a new Author and I write about things I know and have experienced. My writings are about my mother, my childhood and the abduction of my sister.

  4. Thanks. Sometimes being honest about what is going on in your life or head for the world to see can be intimidating. But your right, you can always tell when something is genuine or putting on a smile.

  5. Hi Wendy, I had very few hits on my blog until I went from talking about my book, to recounting stories from my days as a police officer. The stories are factual with a funny bent to them and now I have a following of sorts. It is a great outlet and I find it rewarding to know that people are actually interested. It all comes down to writing what you know/love. I have clicked on follow and look forward to reading more of your writings.

    • Thanks so much. I have described blogging as being like going to a counseling center. You get the thoughts out of your head and then are relieved to hear that many other people have those same thoughts and can relate. I’ll have to check out your blog, it sounds like it would be really interesting to read. Thanks for the comment and the follow. :)

  6. Pingback: FROM THE BLOGGING COUCH IN A GALAXY NOT SO FAR AWAY! « tryingtowriteit

  7. I agree with what you’re saying, and your words validates my affiliate blog, I worried that perhaps my blog niche was too esoteric and “airy fairy”. Actually after reading this post, I realize that I could make my posts on that blog more personal and more thoughtful. After all, the purpose of the blog is to share how various forms of media inform me and help me to grow and evolve!

    I’m learning as a new blogger and as a new author, that writing=exposure. As another writer stated, if a writer isn’t exposing themselves, then they’re a diary writer at best. Writers are a reclusive bunch anyway, and it’s easy for me to hide my emotions like a hermit crab. However, even hermit crabs need to expose themselves from time to time. If I want to make the kind of impact that I’d like to make, then I need to allow people to see…me!

    Wendy, I’ve told you that I admire your bravery and courage in exposing the “warts and all” of your life, within reason. People want to engage in shared experiences and when bloggers like you “pull back the curtain”, then others feel that they aren’t so different, or so strange.

    In a world that celebrates and stresses individuality, we are all more alike than we’d like to admit.

    • What a wonderful comment. Thanks so much. I have to admit, even though I feel strongly about what I put out there, it is always so incredible to read that other people feel similarly or have had a similar experience. :)

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