Article by Wendy McCance
Over the last few months, I have received several awards. I had put together an awards page long ago where I recognize all of the terrific bloggers who have passed an award my way. I haven’t answered any questions in over a year though.
After receiving another award this morning, the Leibster Award from Rebecca over at, I thought I would take a few moments and answer some of those questions. In the spirit of the way the awards work, I would like to name off some of the latest bloggers who have generously passed an award my way. If you would like to take a look at the entire list of bloggers, please go to my Awards Page and check it out. It would be great if you took a moment, stopped by some of these blogs and said hi!! The bloggers I have listed have some incredible blogs.
- How long have you been blogging? I have been blogging since Feb. 2012.
- What do you like about blogging? I love writing, connecting with others and sharing information.
- What book have you read that stayed with you? Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert changed my life. I randomly picked it up at a bookstore years ago without having heard anything about it. The important books always fall into my hands this way. I was going through a rough time and the book gave me a more optimistic outlook on my situation.
- Who lives in your household? I have a fantastic husband who I have been married to for 7 years. He is the kindest most supportive person I know. I have 3 children, two who have moved on to the upper schools and one who is in college. I also have two pets, a fuzzy, black cat named Trixie Firetruck (the kids named her years ago) and a ferret named Lola who is honestly the silliest pet I have ever had.
- What is your favorite thing to do just for yourself? Read.
- What would you do if you won the lottery? Take the family on a few vacations. We have been dreaming of New Zealand, Italy and Montana. Buy a house on the lake. Put a good chunk of money aside for the kids.
- What is your favorite quote? “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”- Joshua J. Marine
- What is your favorite season? Fall. I love the changing colors, the crunchy leaves, the cider mills and bundling up in a cozy sweater.
- What tip would you give to a new blogger? Forget all of the “tips” and follow what you love. Write honestly and openly and work on exploring yourself. When you are passionate about what you are doing and open to the experience, good things happen when life is approached in such a heartfelt way.
- If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? Recently, I have been thinking a lot about Seattle. I would love to take a couple of weeks and really explore Washington state.
- What is your favorite childhood memory? Moving out of my childhood home at 18 yrs. old
The blogs I would like to put a spotlight on:
There are no questions, just a shout-out and the One Lovely Blog Award if you would like to grab it off this blog. Please see the whole list of amazing bloggers on the awards page. Thanks again to all of the bloggers who have made my day with the kindness of so many awards!!
Wendy McCance
To contact Wendy McCance about a writing or social media assignment, interview or speaking engagement, please email her at: [email protected]
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Wendy - I thanked you for the award on my new post and gave you one too. Here’s the link:
Thanks Pat, that’s awesome.
You’re welcome, Wendy, always happy to share. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks, you too!!
Pingback: Awards – Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! | Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom
Hi Wendy! I just got your email newsletter digest from Searching For the Happiness and started making my way through your recent posts and saw this post and the “Lovely” award! Thank YOU so much for including me because I consider you and your blog to be outstanding! You are constantly putting out interesting and helpful information AND linking so many of us together. I think Klout calls you a networker or an influencer or something wonderful like that. Regardless…I am so glad that our paths have crossed and as I’ve said before-you are part of my WordPress family. It’s also really fun to know a bit more about you….like your ferret Lola and your favorite book is “Eat/Pray/Love!” As always I’m looking forward to your future posts….and happy Autumn! ~Kathy
Hi Kathy, your comment touched me more than I can express. I consider you part of my WordPress family too (love that expression). It’s amazing how a blog can bring such amazing people into my life. Thanks for making my day!!
Wendy - congratulations on this award and so deserving with the helpful networking and inspirational stories you put out. It was fun reading your answers — a ferret? That’s a little different and interesting.
We had found a lost ferret once and kept it until we could reunite it with its owner. Meanwhile, it wasn’t a happy camper — probably because we thought it was wild and kept it overnight in our basement bathroom. Little did we know at the time in the ’70’s. Didn’t think people had them as pets then.
Many hugs to your for the lovely spotlight. Your support and reads mean a lot to me. I never stop learning something from you.
Thanks so much Pat. I wasn’t sold on the idea of a ferret when my husband mentioned wanting one. We went to the pet store to check them out and I still didn’t think I wanted one. My husband picked a sleeping ferret up and it yawned and snuggled up in his hands. I fell a little in love with the ferret, but decided to read about ferret’s online before deciding for sure. We went to the pet store later the same day. The same ferret was sleeping again. My husband picked it up, it yawned, snuggled up and began licking his hand. I was sold!! Our ferret Lola makes us laugh every day and is incredibly sweet. It’s been the best decision. The kids love her too.
Like you, I didn’t know anything about them and still know very little not having one in our home. It’s sounds like they would be more compatible with cats than dogs, which is what we have and what we were protecting the one from we housed overnight.
From your description they sound very docile, loving and affectionate.
Our dog died over the summer, but for several years we had a dog, cat and ferret running through the house and playing with each other. It looked crazy to see, but they all got along very well.
Sounds like some fun times. I can almost picture it (hahaha).
Thanks so much for the spotlight!
Have a great day!!
Your welcome.
Wendy, you deserve this for all of the hard work you do on your blog! Congratulations!
Aw, thanks. You too!!
I loved reading your answers. Seattle is a great place to visit. It is a walkers city and has a great feeling about it. If you go, and I know you will, you will find it a very human place.
Sounds like my kind of place for sure.
Thank you so much Wendy for this ‘Lovely’ award, I will say it again here, you have really made my day! I also enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know you better. So, so much in those few words in your last answer…I felt very moved reading that.
I wish you all the very best in life, that you get your house on the lake and that you get to travel and enjoy every single day with your beautiful family along the way.
Wendy, you really are an inspiration to all your followers. Thank you again for thinking of me and have a lovely day
Wow, thanks Sherri. Your words mean the world to me!!!